Another Race…

Another Race…

On February 8th, I will be running yet another Full Marathon.  I get to run across the Mississippi River at the aptly named Mississippi River Marathon in Greenville, Mississippi.  This one will qualify me for the Marathon Maniacs.  I will be earning my spot by running 3 marathons in 90 days.  I had initially planned on getting in by running the Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa and the St. Jude Memphis Marathon.  The weather didn’t cooperate and the Memphis Marathon was cancelled.  I am big sure what drives me to look for these crazy benchmarks to achieve, but it is something that helps motivate me to better health.  I want to encourage you to do two things.

1.  Look for something that will motivate you towards better health.
2.  Pray for this guy.  February 8th is just around the corner and the weather has not been helpful in training for this one.  I will qualify for the Maniacs even if I have to crawl across that finish line.

Dan Carson

Dan is a motivated life coach with a passion for pastors.

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