Time To Go Running…

Time To Go Running…

I love this time of year.  It has finally gotten above freezing again and it is a perfect time to get back out there running.  Between Saturday and Sunday, I covered 10 miles.  The first six were with my brother and sister-in-law around Lake Fayetteville.  They are preparing for the Bentonville Half Marathon and so I ran their long run of the week with them. On Sunday, I only had a few minutes, so I knocked out 4 miles around my house.  It felt great to run and I even feel better today (Monday) because of my time beating the streets.  

Now, you may not want to run now or ever, but let me encourage you to get out and move.  Take a walk.  Play catch with your kids.  Play a round of golf.  Find something that gets your body moving and do it.  Our fitness journey begins when we are willing to get off the couch and put life into motion.
I think we all need to take the instruction that I got from my mom growing up, “Go out and play!”
Dan Carson

Dan is a motivated life coach with a passion for pastors.

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