Another 13.1 in the Books…

Another 13.1 in the Books…

The 2014 Bentonville Half Marathon was another great race put on by the city of Bentonville.  It was my 2nd time to run this one, but I approached it entirely different this time.  Last year, I pushed myself and attained a new PR of 1:56:30.  This year, I ran with my brother and sister-in-law.  I posted a much slower time of 2:15:26.  Do I regret going a little slower?  Not at all.  Sometimes it is about the result.  Sometimes it is about the journey.  This one was about that journey.  I had a great time talking and even laughing as we faced the challenges of the course together.  Those memories can never be taken away and are much more valuable than maybe getting a new PB or PR.  
I will never forget the Half Marathon that I ran with my brother…

Dan Carson

Dan is a motivated life coach with a passion for pastors.

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